Exercise For The Disabled

Exercise for the Disabled.

“Just smiling goes a long way toward making you feel better about life. And when you feel better about life, your life is better.” – Art Linkletter

Last month we talked about Cardio exercise and all its benefits and I hope some of you felt the sunshine, breathed deep into the fresh spring air and started your path to fitness with 30 minutes a day of whatever exercise felt good to you.

Summer is finally here and we all desire to look and feel good.   Healthy eating and exercise can literally change your life, no matter the disability.  Nothing has more value in life than health and some of you know this more than others.

Exercise is crucial to our daily lives, our bodies are built for mobility, flexibility and activity.  Passive exercising is another way of increasing mobility and flexibility and is known to rapidly decrease muscle spasms and increase circulation.

Ashley Village

The pics above of Dean, Michael, Justin & Jamie from Ashley Village in Pinetown, show how easy it is to get stuck into exercise.  It doesn’t matter if you are quadriplegic, paraplegic, suffer from any of the neurological diseases or able bodied, 3 of these exercises show no differentiation and can be used by anyone.  Dean, on the right is busy on his active pedal exerciser with specially adapted hand and wrist grips.  Michael is showing his strength using a home gym (how many of us can lift those weights!!).  Justin is using stretch bands and one of those wonderful gym balls that are incredibly versatile.  Jamie is loving old fashioned cardio air punches (Jamie lost 37cm overall using a combination of cardio & strength exercises and healthy eating).

Each time I look at these pictures I feel inspired, I hope you do as well.

Email me on info@mobilitysolutions.co.za with your questions and I will reply to you personally.

NB. Before embarking on any exercise routine, I strongly advise you get the all clear from your doctor and/or therapist.



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